Comments to City of Madison about the Oscar Mayer Special Area Plan (OMSAP).
- February 10, 2020: MEJO comments on OMSAP to Plan Commission
- June 10, 2020: MEJO comments on OMSAP for Madison Parks Commission
- June 23, 2020: MEJO comments on OMSAP for the Sustainable Madison Committee
- July 17, 2020: MEJO comments on OMSAP for Madison Common Council (background document here)
Letter and supporting documents sent to Federal Transit Authority (FTA) about Madison Metro’s proposed bus barn at the former Oscar Mayer site
- August 25, 2020: MEJO Letter to FTA requesting re-evaluation of categorical exclusion (CATEX)(attachments here)
- November 25, 2020: MEJO Letter to FTA about Metro’s response to the request for re-evaluation of the CATEX. Supporting document here.
- March 1989: Envirodyne site investigation for Truax Field (includes data from Oscar Mayer wells)
- May 25, 2006: DNR closure registry packet for Oscar Mayer BRRTS site 03-13-114831
- August 29, 2006: DNR closure committee notes re chlorinated solvent spills
- December 6, 2006: DNR closure registry packet for Oscar Mayer BRRTS site 02-13-000895
- June 2016: Ramboll Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for Oscar Mayer property
- March 2017: ERM Oscar Mayer Building 43 (Spice Room) Site Investigation Work Plan
- October 2017: ERM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for Oscar Mayer (Central)
- October 2017 ERM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment for Oscar Mayer (West)
- March 2018: ERM Phase I Site Assessment for Oscar Mayer (East, Filling Station)
- June 17, 2019: ERM Site Investigation for Oscar Mayer site (central, west, east)
- June 2019: City of Madison Request for Proposals for Oscar Mayer Phase 2 ESA
- December 9, 2019: ERM Remediation Technology Screening for Spice Rm/Building 43
- April 17, 2020: ERM Site Investigation Work Plan for Building 43
- May 2020: Sigma Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
- May 28, 2020: ERM Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Report (Bldg 43/Spice Room)
- June 2020: Midwest Environmental Advocates Transparency Project Report on Oscar Mayer area
- August 11, 2020: ERM Remedial Action Design Report
- August 19, 2020: ERM northern parcel vapor sampling plan
- November 17, 2020: ERM Bldg 43 storm sewer vapor testing report
- November 17, 2020: ERM Bldg 43 Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) report
- November 23, 2020: ERM DCA Tank Area Remedial Action Plan