Author: Jim Powell

Resistance Radio to feature “Poisoning Paradise: An Environmental History of Madison”

Maria Powell’s book, “Poisoning Paradise: An Environmental History of Madison,” is the topic of an upcoming Resistance Radio interview with Derrick Jensen on Sunday, September 15 at 5 pm CDT.…


Friends – please consider attending as I would love to see you there, and feel free to spread the word to others who knew Maria. MARIA POWELL: A CELEBRATION OF…

Reflections on Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

MEJO founder Dr. Maria C. Powell wrote three essays on Dr. King and his views on the “giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism,” each posted on previous MLK Jr…

“Maria Powell wasn’t just an activist. In Madison, she was the premier environmental activist.”

From the Cap Times: Madison just lost one of its best environmental assets By Steve Elbow, Opinion Editor Maria Powell wasn’t just an activist. In Madison, she was the premier…

MEJO founder Dr. Maria Powell wins Bill Iwen Environmental Justice Award

On October 26, the Midwest Environmental Advocates held a ceremony naming MEJO founder Maria Powell as one of its 2023 Bill Iwen Environmental Justice Awardees. MEJO Vice President Touyeng Xiong…

Madison’s long history of racist planning and development

Madison newspaper The Cap Times published this column on October 8. Column Madison’s long history of racist planning and development By Maria Powell | executive director, Midwest Environmental Justice Organization…

MEJO and East Madison Community Center teens find significantly elevated PFAS levels in Starkweather Creek sediments

Earth Day 2020: Fifty years after first Earth Day, toxic environmental pollution still pervasive (Madison, Wis.)–New PFAS results, released before the COVID 19 lockdown, show significantly elevated levels of PFOS…

PFAS Task Force RIP

As we’ve experienced for twenty years in Madison, local government prefers to keep the public out of actions it takes–or does not take–regarding locally-occurring toxic pollution problems. The proposed Madison-Dane…

PFAS levels in creek are more than “concerning”

The PFOS amount in foam found in Starkweather Creek was 92,000 parts per trillion, far exceeding the laughable EPA advisory threshold level of 70 ppt. The mayor should be more…

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