Is UW-Madison still “diversity doctoring” its promo photos?
Above: promotional photo in the Winter 2021 University of Wisconsin-Madison alumni magazine, OnWisconsin. (This photo is not in the electronic version of the magazine. I took a photo of my…
Porcine Pollution Solutions: A stinky blast from Madison’s sordid past
For those not familiar with pig terminology… From the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition: PORCINE (pronunciation: pôr′sīn″), adjective: Of or resembling swine or a pig. Of…
Lo and behold, the Madison-Kipp poison plume is still there!
For anyone who believes that Madison Kipp’s giant plume of toxic chlorinated solvents (and plethora of other poisons) under the increasingly hip
What’s draining from these pipes into Starkweather Creek? PFAS & other poisons
Above: Giant drain pipes in Bridges Golf Course, which receive PFAS-contaminated stormwater from the former Truax landfill and Burke sewage plant–and former Oscar Mayer factory area–before discharging via the “golf…
The Cold War in Madison: Nuclear missiles assembled and stored at Truax Field
******************** This article is also posted on Historic Madison, Inc. The Cold War in Madison: Nuclear missiles assembled and stored at Truax Field In the heart of the Cold War,…
How contaminated is Madison’s drinking water compared to other cities?
As reported by Sharon Udasin in The Hill, Environmental Working Group’s recently released 2021 Tap Water Database compares contaminant levels in drinking water across all 50 states and Washington, D.C.…
What is being done about Starkweather Creek? The military is spewing (or burying) PFAS contamination, proposing experimental “pilot” studies
“Something has to be done immediately” about Starkweather Creek, Melody Homesley, a 16-year resident of the Darbo Worthington neighborhood, told Isaac Wasserman when he interviewed her for his Wisconsin Watch…
EPA PFAS “Strategic Roadmap” is no panacea
Sharon Lerner’s recent Intercept article– People Exposed to PFAS Criticize EPA Action
“After 50 years of neglect, Starkweather to get its due.”
(Above: Sign about 1992-93 Starkweather Creek remediation near O.B. Sherry Park; photo by Maria Powell in 2018) “After 50 years of neglect, Starkweather to get its due?” Too bad this…
“‘Something has to be done’ about Starkweather Creek, one of Wisconsin’s most polluted waterways”–Wisconsin Watch
Above–MEJO’s Ida Jammeh (left) talking with residents of Darbo-Worthington neighborhood about Starkweather Creek in 2018 (photo by Maria Powell). Learn more about our Starkweather project here. ********* When we started…
John Oliver: “The world is soaked in the Devil’s Piss” (PFAS)
PFAS is not at all funny. But comedian John Oliver’s story of how the world came to be soaked in PFAS–“the Devil’s Piss”–is hilarious. Check it out here:
How much PFAS is the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District spreading on Dane County farmland? Does anyone care?
How much PFAS is in Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) sludge, applied to 5000 acres of Dane County farmland? From MMSD’s (TRC) Sept. 30, 2021 report: MMSD Class A Biosolids:…
Are we sleepwalking?
This morning I came across an excellent–though very disturbing–Mongabay article, part of a series: Novel chemical entities: Are we sleepwalking through a planetary boundary? The answer is unequivocal: YES Mongabay…
The under-reported role of toxic substance exposures in the COVID-19 pandemic
From the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology (full article here or here) By Kostoff RN, Briggs MB, Porter AL, Hernández AF, Abdollahi M, Aschner M, Tsatsakis A. Abstract Coronavirus disease…
Illicit discharges of lies? The ongoing saga of Dane County’s long overdue stormwater ordinance
Above, drainage into Starkweather Creek from the highly PFAS contaminated Dane County-owned Darwin Rd. burn pit. Back in April of this year, I posted a long saga about Dane County’s…