Is the City of Madison Following Its Pesticide Policies?
While in Warner Park on September 8 2014, I saw a Madison Parks employee spraying Roundup near the Warner Park Community Recreation Center (WPCRC), including along sidewalks just a few…
Where does the raingarden pipe originate? (Kipp Question # 3896? We’ve lost count…)
At long last, one MEJO question (unlike most we have asked, which remain unanswered) has been answered!! Storm water runoff entering the pipe that empties into the raingarden originates at…
According to DNR’s strange math, Kipp’s PCE plume has reached or passed Well 8, but has not made it to Lake Monona…What?
Recent updates from DNR and PHMDC (see most recent one here) on the ongoing Kipp pollution nightmare are full of careless errors, misleading statements, and critical omissions. Citizens deserve better…
PHMDC Assures Public Goodman Splash Pad is Perfectly Safe Using Incorrect Numbers
(After this story was posted, PHMDC corrected their numbers in the document linked to below) On August 26 the Wisconsin DNR released a public update including an “Evaluation of the…
More Alarming PCB Hotspots Along City Bike Path Next to Goodman Center; Public in the Dark
Kipp’s Sludge Garden Saga continues… an Arcadis (Kipp’s consultants) report dated August 6, 2014 includes data generated in April and May of this year showing the highest PCB hotspots found…
MEJO supporting RayovACTION Road Trip for Battery Recycling
The Midwest Environmental Justice Organization is collaborating with the Texas Campaign for the Environment (TCE) on it’s epic RayovACTION Road Trip to Madison on July 26. See more details here.…
A “Healthy and Safe Place” for “Good Clean Fun”?
Is this a safe place for children to frolic in a splash pad? Here are some of the toxic contaminants and safety risks not visible in the above photo… A…
“Forgotten” Kipp Toxic Hotspot Bubbles to the Surface Next to Goodman Community Center
Now that the neighborhood class action lawsuit against Kipp is settled and Madison-Kipp has paid a total of $7.2 million dollars to homeowners near the factory, Kipp and government agencies…
More Unanswered Kipp Questions: Was KLS Lubriquip at the Goodman site in the Past?
Madison-Kipp Corporation originated as Kipp Lubricator Company in 1898. Kipp’s lubricator operations were later called Kipp Lubricator Systems (KLS), KLS International, or KLS Lubriquip at different times. The lubricator division…
How Far North is the Kipp Plume? Kipp Doesn’t Want The Public to Know…
At a March 19, 2014 community presentation, Madison-Kipp Corporation’s CEO Tony Koblinski presented Kipp pollution maps and invited citizens to view them after his talk, noting that “when you get…
Kipp’s Former Raingarden–Now SludgeGarden–Even More Toxic Than We Knew…
Yesterday we obtained a Figure from the City of Madison with more PCB data from soils excavated from the Kipp raingarden, on City of Madison property just north of Kipp,…
Madison Kipp: Making a Beautiful Difference?
See the beautiful difference: Kipp Raingarden to Kipp Sludgegarden. Previous story about the Kipp raingarden here. A raingarden was built by middle school children in 2006 next to Madison-Kipp Corporation.…
Dane County Parks Celebrates Earth Week by Cutting Down Many Large Trees
(Cut tree stumps treated with pesticides, Lake View Hill Park, April 23rd) On Earth Day and the day after, April 22rd and April 23th 2014, contractors hired by Dane County…
Is Kipp A Safe Place to Work? Cleaning Employee Fired by Contractor for Asking
(Madison-Kipp Worker Pouring Molten Aluminum) –Madison Kipp Corporation’s non-unionized manufacturing workers, and contractors brought in to clean and do other work at the factory, are at ground zero for exposures…
So Sorry, DNR! Here’s the full transcript of the Jan. 29 2014 MEJO-DNR meeting
(MEJO President, Dr. Maria Powell) In a meeting on March 21st, two DNR managers and two DNR lawyers scolded MEJO President, Dr. Maria Powell, for audiotaping the January 29 meeting…