Wisconsin Environmental Health Network Conference 2025
Some of you know that Maria was very artistic and one of her passions was using her childhood Barbie in various ways to communicate her (Maria’s) concern about plastic and…
Everyone deserves a healthy environment
Some of you know that Maria was very artistic and one of her passions was using her childhood Barbie in various ways to communicate her (Maria’s) concern about plastic and…
Maria Powell’s book, “Poisoning Paradise: An Environmental History of Madison,” is the topic of an upcoming Resistance Radio interview with Derrick Jensen on Sunday, September 15 at 5 pm CDT.…
Friends – please consider attending as I would love to see you there, and feel free to spread the word to others who knew Maria. MARIA POWELL: A CELEBRATION OF…
MEJO founder Dr. Maria C. Powell wrote three essays on Dr. King and his views on the “giant triplets of racism, materialism, and militarism,” each posted on previous MLK Jr…
From the Cap Times: Madison just lost one of its best environmental assets By Steve Elbow, Opinion Editor Maria Powell wasn’t just an activist. In Madison, she was the premier…
In January this year I was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer by oncologists at UW Hospital. I have outlived their original prognosis by a couple months, but will likely…
As reported by Sharon Udasin in The Hill, Environmental Working Group’s recently released 2021 Tap Water Database compares contaminant levels in drinking water across all 50 states and Washington, D.C.…
MEJO’s Jim Powell and Touyeng Xiong teach kids how to put bait on fish hooks at the Olbrich Park fishing pier on Lake Monona, summer 2018. Sadly, they couldn’t eat…
By Madison Northsiders No Bus Barn is the Northside community’s voice for better land use at the previous Oscar Mayer site. We are dedicated to place-making in this new era…
(Image from The Nation) MEJO condemns the brutal killing of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer–and commends Black Lives Matter, other racial justice activists, and all…
By Bruce Barrett and Paula Rogge, Cap Times Today we are dealing with the COVID-19 crisis. Our federal, state and local government officials have been working hard to contain the…
On January 9, 2020, the Isthmus published a cover story on PFAS: “The fight for safe drinking water; Will Madison officials pay attention to the science on PFAS?” I commend…
Graphic from ISTHMUS By Kori Feener, Isthmus Maria Powell used to believe that science would prevail. She co-founded the Midwest Environmental Justice Organization in 2005, hoping to draw attention to…
Photo: Starkweather Creek in the Darbo-Worthington neighborhood (Maria Powell). By Steve Elbow, Cap Times Lance Green has been collecting water samples from Starkweather Creek for years. As a volunteer for…
By Steve Verburg, Wisconsin State Journal Madison is shutting down a North Side drinking water well that has been contaminated with toxic chemicals from a nearby military base. In announcing…