Madison’s Smart Meter Fight in the News
Dumb Meter Update – Madison’s Smart Meter Fight in the News As national concerns multiply about the dumb idea called “smart meters,” see what USA TODAY has to say about…
Everyone deserves a healthy environment
Dumb Meter Update – Madison’s Smart Meter Fight in the News As national concerns multiply about the dumb idea called “smart meters,” see what USA TODAY has to say about…
Forgot to follow Wisconsin pollution laws? No worries, DNR doesn’t mind In a previous article (below and here), MEJO explored whether the Goodman Community Center, built on a contaminated former…
A Note about the Industrial History of the Goodman and Kipp sites According to Goodman’s 2008 closure documents, previous manufacturing activities at the Goodman Community Center property included metal cutting,…
Environmental Justice Issues at Madison-Kipp and Goodman Community Center Ignored The east side of Madison, Wisconsin, is not a place most people would expect to have environmental justice problems. Toxic…
The Goodman Community Center, behind Madison-Kipp Corp. on Waubesa Street, opened its doors in 2009 in a renovated factory with industrial use going back to the 1880s. In spite of…
Madison-Kipp Sued by State and Cited by EPA Madison’s oldest polluter, Madison-Kipp Corp, is being sued by the State of Wisconsin for PCB contamination. In early September, the U.S. EPA…
Smart Meters: A Risk to Public Health and the Environment On October 24, 2012, the Wisconsin Public Service Commission approved a smart meter opt out for Madison Water Utility customers,…
MEJO is reviewing more than a thousand pages of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources documents on Madison Kipp Corp and the adjacent Goodman Community Center (which is built on a…
MEJO in “Environmental Health News” Pollution, Poverty, People of Color: Warnings about contaminated fish fail to reach people most at risk By Rae Tyson Environmental Health News September 13, 2012…
Smart People Against Stupid Meters Smart meter technology has emerged as a major new pathway for human exposure to radiofrequency radiation, which the World Health Organization has classified a possible…
GONE FISHING! Instead of continuing to beg our environmental & public health agencies to monitor toxins in water and fish, which we’ve learned is a futile endeavor, we’ve decided to…
The price tag for the Wisconsin Department of Transportation two-decade, three-phase plan for the reconstruction of the Verona Road and West Beltline interchange in Madison , Wis. , has risen…
In the new MIT Press book, Technoscience and Environmental Justice: Expert Cultures in a Grassroots Movement, the Midwest Environmental Justice Organization (MEJO) chronicles its Madison effort to raise local awareness…
MEJO Fireworks Report – June 2010
From February 2-5, Dane County , along with several other counties in Wisconsin , was under an “Air Quality Advisory for Particle Pollution” due to elevated levels of small particulates…